Agathe Willay - Nutritionniste - Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève - Pays de Gex - Haute Savoie

Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - typo blanc

"Nutritionist and Holistic Nutritherapist,
I accompany anyone
wishing to improve their health
by relearning how to eat consciously"

Your needs

Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix

weight loss

A caring, personalized approach that combines targeted nutrition, emotional support and body dynamics for lasting, balanced weight loss
Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix

Prevent and support
metabolic dysfunctions

Detect, understand and restore metabolic balance thanks to a complete analysis of the terrain, personalized solutions and professional follow-up
Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix

Supporting thyroid dysfunction

Harmonizing your thyroid

A global approach combining adapted nutrition, stress management and personalized support to optimize your thyroid function
Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix

Dealing with eating disorders

Liberate your
relationship with food

Decode your mechanisms, understand your emotions, rebuild a healthy and caring connection with food and your body
Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix

Rediscover a lifestyle
in harmony with yourself

body and mind

Reinvent your daily life with a holistic approach that balances sleep, diet, physical activity and emotional well-being
Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix

Develop a healthy
relationship with food

Transform your
eating dialogue

Cultivate awareness, intuition and pleasure, for a diet that's a source of nutrition, joy and personal fulfillment
Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - logo food for soul - logo blanc retina

« Eat consciously,
              regain your life force »

My approach

Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix cercle

eating habits

to regain energy and
regain a healthy lifestyle
that leads to optimal health

Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix cercle

I give you tools
easy to apply

to be independent
and take charge of your health

Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - assiette fruits et légumes
Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix cercle

You keep
the notion of pleasure

because food eaten
with pleasure
will be better
Agathe Willay - Food for Soul Nutrition - Nutritionniste et Nutrithérapeute holistique - Genève (Champel) et Pays de Gex - picto croix cercle

Ask yourself
the following questions

What am I hungry for?
What nourishes my life?
What is my relationship with food?

Listening, respect, kindness, professionalism

Holistic nutrition

It's a global approach specific to each individual that considers the human being as a unity of Body (physical), Soul (psychic) and Spirit (spiritual).

It's about becoming aware of how to nourish your body, emotions and spirit through your relationship with yourself and others. A holistic approach increases the effectiveness and durability of the results of the therapeutic plan.