Terms of use

Proper use of this site and the information it contains. Persons accessing information made available by Agathe Willay through her website "foodforsoulnutrition.com" accept the following conditions:


The entire content of the "foodforsoulnutrition.com" website is covered by copyright. Agathe Willay holds all rights. Reproduction of resources, in whole or in part, in any written or electronic form, is authorized only with explicit mention of "foodforsoulnutrition.com".

Ownership of the "foodforsoulnutrition.com" website and trademark rights

The "Food For Soul Nutrition" name and logos are registered and protected trademarks. Nothing contained on the website is intended to constitute a license or right to use any image, registered trademark or logo. Agathe Willay reserves all rights relating to the elements of its site, with the exception of rights held by third parties. Some photos come from the Freepik.com website and are the property of their authors.

Liability exclusion

The information published on the "foodforsoulnutrition.com" website particularly those relating to prices, is provided for information purposes only. Agathe Willay does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on the site. She reserves the right to modify it at any time and without notice. Consequently, Agathe Willay accepts no liability for any direct, indirect or consequential damage that may result from access to the resources and information on the website, from their use or from the impossibility of accessing them.

Transmission of electronic messages and forms

The transmission of application forms is protected by encryption. Please note, however, that electronic messages (e-mails) and certain forms circulating on the network are not encrypted, and there is therefore a risk that the data transmitted may be intercepted and consulted by unauthorized third parties.

Data protection

Personal data is treated as strictly confidential. When we receive personal data, it is never passed on to third parties, but only used for the purposes indicated. Registration gives Agathe Willay the opportunity to collect information such as first name, surname, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, cell phone number. Agathe Willay reserves the right to record the data of any person who sends an e-mail (electronic mail or e-mail), in particular in order to be able to reply or to inform him/her of the follow-up of his/her request. Agathe Willay does not pass on any personal data it holds to third parties for any reason whatsoever and in any form whatsoever.

Cookie Usage

"foodforsoulnutrition.com" may use cookies on its site in order to offer users a personalized welcome that takes into account their visiting habits and to keep track of their personal data. Cookies may also enable Agathe Willay to ensure the preventive security of its site and of user data (in particular by means of information relating to the server to which your computer is connected).

Jurisdiction and applicable law

The place of jurisdiction for any dispute relating to the site or arising from its use is France. French law is applicable.

Contact address

Pour tout renseignement sur le site « foodforsoulnutrition.com« , vous pouvez envoyer un courriel à : foodforsoulnutrition@gmail.com